On Christmas Eve, 1959, in Adelaide Hills, a local man discovers something horrific by a creek on a grand estate. This sparks one of South Australia's most baffling murder investigations. Decades later, Jess, a struggling journalist in London, returns to Sydney when her beloved grandmother Nora falls seriously ill. At Nora's house, Jess finds a true crime book about the 1959 Turner Family Tragedy and uncovers a shocking connection between her family and the unresolved case.
On Christmas Eve, 1959, in Adelaide Hills, a local man discovers something horrific by a creek on a grand estate. This sparks one of South Australia's most baffling murder investigations. Decades later, Jess, a struggling journalist in London, returns to Sydney when her beloved grandmother Nora falls seriously ill. At Nora's house, Jess finds a true crime book about the 1959 Turner Family Tragedy and uncovers a shocking connection between her family and the unresolved case.
On Christmas Eve, 1959, in Adelaide Hills, a local man discovers something horrific by a creek on a grand estate. This sparks one of South Australia's most baffling murder investigations. Decades later, Jess, a struggling journalist in London, returns to Sydney when her beloved grandmother Nora falls seriously ill. At Nora's house, Jess finds a true crime book about the 1959 Turner Family Tragedy and uncovers a shocking connection between her family and the unresolved case.
April 4, 2023
560 pages
Riverhead Books