Misery Lark, daughter of a powerful Vampyre councilman, is forced into a precarious alliance with Alpha Werewolf Lowe Moreland to uphold peace between their races. Despite their mutual distrust, Misery sees the marriage as a means to reclaim what she holds dear. Lowe, ruthless yet just, keeps a close watch on Misery, unaware of her hidden motives. As they navigate their reluctant partnership, both must confront their deepest desires and the challenges of uniting two ancient enemies.
Misery Lark, daughter of a powerful Vampyre councilman, is forced into a precarious alliance with Alpha Werewolf Lowe Moreland to uphold peace between their races. Despite their mutual distrust, Misery sees the marriage as a means to reclaim what she holds dear. Lowe, ruthless yet just, keeps a close watch on Misery, unaware of her hidden motives. As they navigate their reluctant partnership, both must confront their deepest desires and the challenges of uniting two ancient enemies.
Misery Lark, daughter of a powerful Vampyre councilman, is forced into a precarious alliance with Alpha Werewolf Lowe Moreland to uphold peace between their races. Despite their mutual distrust, Misery sees the marriage as a means to reclaim what she holds dear. Lowe, ruthless yet just, keeps a close watch on Misery, unaware of her hidden motives. As they navigate their reluctant partnership, both must confront their deepest desires and the challenges of uniting two ancient enemies.
February 6, 2024
416 pages